Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Looking for a story...

I'm having trouble thinking of what story I can tell with this photo series.

I've experimented with both following Alice (my uncooperative model from last week's assignment, pictured here) around on her adventures outside and being queen of the house, inside. However, I feel like this would end up being a children's book inanely entitled "Alice's Big Day".

I've also done some shots of my living room in various states, but the past week has been rather boring. Other than night vs day and the presence or absence of wine glasses, it wouldn't be an interesting sequence.



  1. Hey Rob! Are there images posted somewhere, like Flickr or How about posting some images and seeing if there is something that sticks out? Then maybe you make a sequence out of those shots?

    I looked for examples online and I really liked examples from here. Maybe this helps someone..

    All the best!

  2. Thanks, Ben!

    Great resource. I may have been overthinking this...


  4. Nice work Rob! I like the simplicity behind the images. I really liked the shot of your dog's footprints in the snow. That really stood out! And all that in 5 images! That's creative. :)

  5. Good use of the class blog, Rob! Hopefully you'll get some more suggestions (hint, hint all!)

  6. Alice is adorable! I like the photos and agree that you were able to really tell a whole story in 5 pictures. My favorite is probably the shot of her paw reaching for the door as in, "hello! let me in now, please." I would suggest maybe a slightly tighter crop on that photo. ((sidenote: I just noticed your captions. Love them!))
