For my final project I want to make a PSA on youth and gun violence. The reason I chose this topic is because gun violence is not just a problem in the inner city of Boston, it's a problem that effects inner cities throughout America. I was born and raised in Roxbury where I still reside and there have been times where I'm sitting in my room doing my homework and I hear gun shots outside which is crazy. Why do people in the inner city who work hard had AND pay taxes not feel safe in their ow neighborhood. There was also another time when walking home from class one night two youths I had just walked by where shot one died from his injuries. After experiencing that I came to the conclusion that God kept me here for a reason. In that split second I could have been a victim. I know your thinking oh well why doesn't she just move and yes I can afford to live in the suburbs but why do I have to move away from my roots to a place where a lot of the times people look at me as if I don't belong. It's a sucky situation but I love the city so much. Anyways when these experiences happened I have vowed to dedicate some of my time when I'm done with school to work with at risk kids through art and digital media. For now I can settle with working on small projects like this to try to make small change right now because Superman will not save us!
I plan to design my project in flash. I want to make a simple interface with a slide show of moving text and images. I may add some music or a voice over reading statistics or a poem written by a good friend of mine. Time-based media will work well for this project because it adds and extra element that print can't convey. Using moving text and pictures can make a nice impact on the viewer as well. I'm looking forward to seeing what i can come up with using Flash. I don't have much Flash experience but this will be a good challenge for me.
Pretty awesome, can't wait to see what this is going to look like :)