Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Assignment 1: composition II

Hey, this is Yi again. Here is my second of the assignment.

This photo is taken in a snowy day through out my window, the "ice cone" is being transformed dramatically into the shape of a sword. I focused on composition to give it the coldblooded or dangerous feeling. And I waited until a red car passing by for more dramatic elements in the frame.

Here is the link of my flickr page, welcome to check out more photos I uploaded.


  1. I think that car is Mitsubishi Lancer... haha

    Really nice Shot!

  2. Thank you, Paul. Haha, I am not a car guy though "Top Gear" is one of my favorite TV shows.
    Which one of my two photos works for the theme of transformation? I prefer the sunset one, though we already have several sunset shots here.

  3. I really like the depth of field in this photo, and the quality is really nice as well! I think the dramatic effect of the red car is lost in this photo because there is no motion blur of the car. So, it doesn't look like it's driving by quickly. Perhaps if you used a slower shutter speed next time you can get a more dramatic movement effect :)
