Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sunset No. 4 in the City

On MLK Day I braved the cold and went outside to take pictures of the sunset. Initially I wanted to take pictures of the sunset over Ruggle projects in my neighborhood in Roxbury but when I went to my location I realized the sunset was on the oppostite side, darn. I had to race to a high point to catch the sun. Something lead me to Fisher Ave., on Mission Hill. I was able to get to a high point with a view that wasn't blocked by buildings. I braved the cold for a half hour. I was so excited to capture the sun I forgot to put my gloves on and my hands almost froze off. The worst part was the aching when they were thawing out.

Once I downloaded the pictures I was in awe of how beautiful the colors came out. Wow! The pictures came out much better than I thought. First of all you would think it was summer time and second you would never know I took them in the city. When I look at them all it looks like they were taken in Africa:) It's hard to choose just one to post.

Location: The top of Fisher Hill Ave., Mission Hill, Roxbury.
Time: 5:35 pm
Authour: Nikia Manifold


  1. I love this picture! I love sunset!even sometimes it makes me feel a little bit upset。。。

    Nice picture! Nikia!

    It was taken by your phone or a camera?

  2. Nikia, wow! What I love about this photo is the range of colors and how abstract it is; I would have never been able to tell where you took this picture! I also think it was really interesting of you to pick a very specific time of day to take the picture: great choice.

  3. Thanks guys. I dusted of my Nikon D70 slr camera and took the picture.

  4. Opps, I forgot to label this assignment as COMPOSITION!!!! DOH!

  5. Gorgeous, gorgeous shot. I love that the darker banding of clouds look like the sun is being squeezed out of existence.
